Thursday, November 6, 2008

I was told there'd be cake

The Madre was right. Again.

I Was Told There'd be Cake.

Great read.

And it isn't just because she writes how I think I would write if I ever womaned up and thought about writing some serious essays.

I read this book so fast it didn't even make it on my currently reading list. It had to go straight into the books I have read list. Sunday night I read 3/4 of it. I literally had to rip it out of my hands because it was way past my bedtime.

And the quippy quotes. I love them.

"It's a trip down Memory Lane, which, if you don't turn off at the right exit, merges straight into the Masochistic Nostalgia highway."

Come on. First of all, we know how I feel about the metaphor. Second of all, we all have that envelope/shoebox/drawer for all those things that remind us how much someone used to care about us. And - I mean I'm not saying I have done this - sometimes we maybe would take it out and sit on the floor and read past love cards/notes/poems and try that ring on one more time and then cry clichedly into our Merlot while slow jams played in the background...

And, my absolute favory favorite...

"The real proof that I have tried to love and that people have tried to love me back was never going to fit in a kitchen drawer."
Sloane Crosley


  1. Uh.... "sometimes we maybe would take it out and sit on the floor and read past love cards/notes/poems and try that ring on one more time and then cry clichedly into our Merlot while slow jams played in the background..."

    Pretty sure we have done that TOGETHER. HAHAHA.

  2. M - Firstly, I wasn't going to name names but now that you have...And how about it was us crying over your love letters. They had nothing to do with me - why was I crying? Because love is beautiful?? We are 100% ridic together, but I love it!
