Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Stephen King, stealer of sleep

After the post about Stephen King's greatness, I read a short story that gave me nightmares and had me checking to see if my front door was locked (IT WASN'T). This made for a very fidgety night.

Apparently I'm a sucker because regardless of that short story warning, I just started his latest undertaking, 11/22/63. It deals with time travel and possibly stopping the Kennedy assassination. It was all going along beautifully until about 120 pages in and the protagonist arrives at a town...

Not just any town.

A town with a pervading feeling of...wrongness.

Oh, and people who murder each other with hammers.


At that point, I closed the book and haven't opened it for two days. It's like I'm afraid of the book.

It is similar to the children's book - There's a Monster at the End of this Book - only in this case the monster is 1/6 of the way in. And really, it is probably only the first of many "monsters" to be dealt with in the massive tome.

Now, unlike Joey and Rachel on Friends when they read Cujo - when a book frightens me I don't put it in the freezer.

But I'm considering it.

Right now it is on my bedside table.

Next to where I sleep.

Sitting there all night.

Who knows what could happen.

Safety first.

When reading.


"Take care of yourself...and say! Did you maybe leave the oven on? Or forget to turn off the gas under your patio barbecue? What about the lock on the back door? Did you remember to give it a twist? Things like that are so easy to forget, and someone could be slipping in right now. A lunatic, perhaps. One with a knife. So, OCD behavior or not...Better go check, don't you think?"
Stephen King


  1. You are such a scaredy-cat! I forgot about WHY are you reading Stephen King??

    Maybe this could be a new challenge for you...relish the heebies. Because you know that nobody with hammers is going to bust your door down.

  2. You can DO it Claire! Think positive; relish the heebies! (I love that by the way.) I have a feeling that an unfinished book would torment you, especially if you were enjoying any part of it.

    One of my official unoffical new years reading resolution was to try out some horror fiction as I know I've willfully ignored a lot of quality writing. Hopefully next month I'll get on to Occulations by Laird Barron.

    Take those fears out of the freezer and melt them away. (Said the wuss.) I'll be cheering for you.

  3. Rachel WestJanuary 27, 2012

    When I read this, I got scared. And by 'this,' I meant your blog synopsis. I will definitely NOT read the book! Thanks for the heads-up.
