Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We're always being made promises

Rocious is ready to move:

Meanwhile, I'm reading every Henning Mankell book I can find. I'm not even going in order. I'm savoring each book, but in that give me more more more kind of way. Hasty savoring.

Since I last mentioned my obsession, I've read The Man Who Smiled and Firewall. I think we can surmise that the smiling man is incredibly creepy and evil and that the firewalls we are talking about concern computers.

Both a charismatic villain and older-detective-struggling-with-technology are cliche murder mystery fair, but I don't even care. The brush Mankell writes with is so delicate, so knowledgeable, so real that you remember the capital T truth from which cliches come.

I'm currently underway on Sidetracked. And I know people can only translate so fast. But I just don't care. Wild abandon reading.

"Things are as they are."
Henning Mankell

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh - that is a HILARIOUS deer-in-headlights shot of her!
    I'm crossing my fingers that Mankell is available on ebook at my library - JUST what I was looking for!
