Thursday, April 21, 2011

Murder in the marais

I don't often read books by French authors (except Flaubert, who TOTALLY gets me) or books that take place in France. Even though France is a great location for a story. And even though my name is French, and I - on occasion - dress in a French style. And I love movies that take place in Paris, like The Tango Lesson or Before Sunset. There is something about France that is mysterious and glamorous and dangerous and elegant and classic.

So why don't I read more French stuff?

I have no idea, but after Murder in the Marais (which I don't even know how to pronounce), I might have to start.

Reading Marais was like dipping my toe in French-iness because the author is American and the protagonist is an American (who has lived in Paris most of her life).

As the title subtly hints, there is a murder, but not before a Rabbi gets private investigator Aimee on the case. The more Aimee investigates, the more she realizes that this murder has to do with another murder which took place during the WWII German occupation of France. And no one wants to talk about that.

Aimee doesn't care though.

She sneaks all over Paris, Jason Bourne style, figuring things out.

I like books that deal with mysteries of the past because you get two sides to every character. It's like the movie Now and Then, but with murder. In Marais, you get the German SS agent who fell in love with a Jewish girl back in the day, and who is now a big diplomat. You get the young Jewish girl who lost her family and then grew up to be a sad woman because...THERE WAS A BABY. There is always a baby.

And you get the murderer, then and now. But I won't say who he or she is...

And then there is the computer hacking and party crashing and news story leaking and clashing with the police and croissant eating and designer wearing.

It was a fast read - as murder mysteries usually are. I had a library return deadline and I made it. I was even almost late to book club because oh my! so exciting.

But most of all, Paris:

dancing along the Seine. le sigh.


  1. OHMIGOD. Before Sunset....Before Sunrise....sigh.

    That looks like a good one - I'm going to see if my library has an e-copy?! Oh? Did I just say that?

  2. SERIOUSLY. I pretty much want my love life to BE those movies. I don't know if that's realistic : )

    E-copy! Look at you being all modern!
