Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I've been reading a lot lately...

...and therefore not blogging. Oh yeah, and Ams, Face and I just finished rescuing a bunch of books from Chateau Parents. Just so we are clear: books are heavy.

I've been reading a lot for fun. I've become pretty much obsessed with Libby Fischer Hellmann. She is the perfect quick read source. First of all you can read her in two sittings. Second of all she writes mysteries which are quickly becoming my favorite light reading genre. Third...they take place in Chicago and her main character lives in Evanston (aka city I love). Fourth...the main character is a 6 foot tall (woman) former cop who is now a private investigator. I have 8 books waiting for me to read, but when I return books at the libs tonight I know I will be checking for another Hellmann book (and maybe a Buffy comic too). Sometimes you just need to see women kick butt and be awesome...you know?

I've also been reading for school...a LOT. I do remember a time during undergrad when I was reading an average of 300 pages a day, but now I am old and work full time and so therefore do not appreciate the necessity of a similar reading pace.

Not to mention all the trees I am killing printing these articles.

I should warn you that I'm currently taking a teaching writing course and a human growth and development (aka adolescence 101) course, so get ready for blogs sharing creative writing (oh my)...and ponderings of emerging adulthood...and whether I still am one...and if emerging adults are the new adolescents, then what does that make adolescents...and which came first: rock and roll or adolescence?

So many questions. Once I get everything distilled down I'll be sure to articulate.

"They regard adulthood as attractive in some ways, in the security and stability it seems to promise and the increased status it confers. However, they also regard adult responsibilities as a mixed blessing...the end of possibilities, the end of spontaneity, compromise of their dreams."
Downer guy behind the idea of emerging adulthood, Jeffrey Arnett


  1. "Do I listen to pop music because I am miserable or am I miserable because I listen to pop music?" -Rob Gordon (John Cusak) HIgh Fidelity

  2. Oh how I envy you and your reading. I'm still working on Mysteries of Udolpho.
    But my excuse is that I'm working again and walk to work - therefore lose my bus reading time.

