Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I grok fullness

While I love fiction, I also like to dabble in the fantasy and science fiction genres.

Growing up moving around the country in a car meant my family had a lot of time for readathons. We were in the car so much we were able to read Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series out loud.

If you need surmising help...we were in the car A LOT.

Then, of course there were the consecutive years Face gave me Dune for Christmas until I read it. If you don't think the following is funny/awesome then you haven't read Dune.

So stop here and go read Dune.

My most recent foray into science fiction has been Stranger in a Strange Land. I have previously called it the book about martians. Both Dune and Stranger as science fiction are able to not only comment on our society but to offer an alternative process and philosophy. If you don't dig science fiction I would say these two books are engaging in similar activities such as Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

So there is this martian. Only he is a human who happened to be raised on Mars. And now he is back on Earth. Causing a raucous. For martians, there is this thing called grokking. Generally it could be translated as to know...only more so. To grok is to drink.

Stick with me.

So you can grok ideas. Or places. Or people. Well now we are getting somewhere. So the martian is rolling around grokking all over the place and starts to open people's eyes to this new way of thinking. Through the book Heinlein opens the reader's eyes to their own notions of propriety and the structure of society. If you ever wanted religion (read spirituality) and sex to do a mashup you should read this book. I am God. You are God. Orgies are God.

You grok that?

"A prude is a person who thinks his own rules of propriety are natural laws."
Robert Heinlein


  1. Or, speaking of sex/God mashups, you could just read some John Donne!

  2. Danielle - Oh that saucy minx John Donne:
    "Twice or thrice had I loved thee,
    Before I knew thy face or name;
    So in a voice, so in a shapeless flame,
    Angels affect us oft, and worshipped be."

  3. Love the Dune Cat! I feel like that book has a lot of potentially good nerd halloween costumes...

  4. I did not "get" your cat, but the hubster did. He loves Robert Jordan, diggs Dune, and is a Science Fiction guy. He laughed at the "wurm-cat" as I will call it.

    How do you like my trying to relate through the knowledge of Tom? Lame. I agree =).
